2021-078 Berufungsverfahren W3-Professur für Experimentalphysik - Vortrag Dr. Birgit Stiller
Friday, 11. June 2021
15:15 - 16:45
Dr. Birgit Stiller, MPI for the Science of Light, Erlangen
Coherent light-sound interactions in waveguide structures
Despite their different nature, optical waves and acoustic vibrations can couple efficiently through the effects of electrostriction, photo-elastic effect and radiation pressure. These phenomena enable the creation and annihilation of sound waves and have a wide range of application from passive mode-locking, narrow- linewidth lasers, agile radiofrequency filters, distributed sensing to versatile signal processing. The latter includes calculus operations, signal amplification and storage of light information. I will give an overview on our research projects with a focus on different aspects of light storage via sound waves, manipulation of the limit of the acoustic decay time and optoacoustics in more exotic optical fibers such as CS2-filled capillaries and twisted multi-core photonic crystal fibers.