Physics Colloquium: Q&A with a Nature editor
Tuesday, 24. January 2023
15:15 - 16:45
R 513 Followed by drinks and snacks
FB Physik: Prof. Dr. Angelo di Bernardo, Prof. Dr. Elke Scheer
Dr. Tobias Rödel Senior Editor, Nature
Scientific publishing is an integral part of the scientific endeavor. The number of publications has increased steadily over the last years due to a metrics-driven ‘publish-or-perish’ culture and an increase in research funding in certain countries. At Nature, we strive to filter only the most significant advances and to communicate their impact to a broad audience – beyond the specialized community. Our assessment of significance is based on objective criteria, but our final decisions are not devoid of subjectivity. In the seminar, I will present the editorial decision-making process and discuss how to write a research paper addressing a broad audience. I’ll be happy to answer your questions about the editorial process, writing a paper, the job of an editor or scientific publishing more generally.