top-notch lithography techniques

The nano.lab employs various e-beam and ion-beam lithography techniques.

E-beam and ion-beam lithography

with Elphy Plus featuring:

  • patterning by electrons and ions
  • FIB/SEM external beam control
  • 2 ns writing speed resolution
  • proximity effect correction

Raith eLINE Plus

(to be delivered in 01/2025)

Ultra high resolution electron beam-lithography, imaging and nanoengeneering

  • high resolution electon optical column thechnology
  • laser interferometric controlled sample stage with 100 mm travel distance
  • 20 MHz DSP pattern generator
  • proximity correction
  • innovative and unique stitch-error-free writing strategies (fixed beam/moving stage and moving beam/moving stage)
  • height correction
  • gas injection modul