Information on bachelor's minors

You can choose one or more minor subjects on the bachelor's degree course in Physics. In the mathematical branch, you must earn 17 ECTS credits in one or two minor subjects; in the applied branch, you must earn 24 ECTS credits in up to three minor subjects. You must have at least 8 ECTS credits per minor subject. A special case is the minor subject Life Science, where you must complete the entire 28 ECTS.

The grade of the minor subjects is not taken into account when calculating the grade for the bachelor's degree in Physics. Registration, implementation, form, scope and assessment of coursework are governed by the provisions of the study and examination regulations of the degree program whose curriculum includes the course in question.

As a rule, you register electronically via StudIS. Here you must observe the different regulations (registration periods, repetition options, ...) of the departments to which the course belongs. If the required coursework has been assessed as "passed", the corresponding ECTS points can be credited to the minor subject.


 Total ECTS in minor subject

 Number of minor subjects

 Minimum ECTS per subject

Mathematical orientation


1 – 2


Applied orientation


1 – 3


You can submit a reasoned application to the Standing Examination Board for Physics if you wish to choose a minor subject other than Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Life Science, Mathematics, Philosophy or Economics. In particular, you should explain to the Examination Board how the desired minor subject is meaningfully related to the Physics degree program.

Minor subject courses in all departments

If you would like to take a minor subject other than those listed above, you will find the minor subject courses of all departments here on ZEUS under 'interdisciplinary course offers'. Please note that you may have to apply to the StPA for these minor subjects.