Physik | Kolloquien

SFB 1432 Colloquium: Cavity Magnomechanics: Harnessing the Magnomechanical Coupling for Applications in the Microwave and Optical Regimes

Donnerstag, 15. Dezember 2022
15:15 bis 16:30 Uhr

P603 - refreshment afterwards

Veranstaltet von
SFB 1432 / Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Belzig

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Prof. Dr. Silvia Viola Kusminskiy, RWTH Aachen & MPI for the Science of Light, Erlangen

Cavity magnonic systems are ideally suited to explore the range of possibilities opened by tailoring the interactions between photons, phonons, and magnons. In this talk I will discuss the different coupling mechanisms and propose applications ranging from quantum thermometry to wavelength conversion.