SFB 767 Sonderseminar: Atomic-scale resistive switching memories
Mittwoch, 7. Dezember 2016
10 bis 11:30 Uhr
P 1138
Veranstaltet von
SFB 767 / E. Scheer
Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Prof. Dr. András Halbritter, Budapest University
In my talk I will summarize our recent results on the study of nanometer-scale AG2S memristor junctions. Using superconducting Andreev spectroscopy we could estimate both the size and the transparency in both states of the memristive junctions. We could initiate resistive switchings between metallic filament from 2 to 5 nm. On the other hand we have shown that the switching speed slows down exponentially as the driving voltage is linearly decreased, which peovides the opportunity for combination of GHz write/erase operations performed at bias levels of a few Volts, non-volatile read-out with slower signals of a few 10 mV and robust information storage at zero bias in a two-terminal analog memory device. We have also studied the role of the junction self-heating and the local asymmetry of the device in the switching process.