Teho. Kolloquium: Nonequilibrium Materials Engineering
Montag, 22. Oktober 2018
13:30 bis 15 Uhr
P 603
Veranstaltet von
Prof. Dr. Gerd Ganteför, Universität Konstanz
Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Dr. Michael Sentef, MPI Hamburg
The interaction of light and matter is at the heart of spectroscopies in condensed
matter. With the development of ultra-short and ultra-strong laser pulses for pumpprobe
experiments, light is transforming from a tool to probe towards a tool to
control and manipulate quantum many-body systems while driving them far away
from their thermal equilibrium. In my presentation, I discuss our recent theoretical
and computational progress towards a microscopic understanding of light-driven
solids with the long-term vision of nonequilibrium materials engineering.