Theo. Kolloquium: Creating unconventional states in quantum solids by photonics
Montag, 5. November 2018
13:30 bis 15 Uhr
P 603
Veranstaltet von
Prof. Dr. Gerd Ganteför, Universität Konstanz
Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Dr. Michael Fechner
The unusual phase diagrams of solid-state quantum materials arise from the intense
interplay of the spins, charges, and lattice. These systems are prototypical materials for
studying complex interactions and encouraging candidates for future functionalities. In
this talk, I will show how large-amplitude selective excitation of phonons by light create
non-equilibrium states on ultrafast timescales. In addition, I will present theoretical
methods capable of predicting and describing these phase changes based on first
principle techniques.