Phys. Kolloquium: High Resolution Imaging of Individual Macromolecules and their Assemblies via Preparative Mass Spectrometry
Tuesday, 30. May 2017
15:15 - 16:45
R 513
Dr. Stephan Rauschenbach, MPI Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart
Preparative mass spectrometry with soft ionization sources like electrospray ionization has the capacity to serve as a link between the worlds of large, biological molecules and surface science, enabling atomic scale chemical control of molecular deposition in ultrahigh vacuum.
In this lecture I will introduce the experiment combination of electrospray ion beam deposition with scanning tunneling microscopy. Ranging from small peptides over unfolded and folded proteins to protein complexes, I demonstrate the capacity of the preparative mass spectrometry approach to fabricate nanostructures by sequence controlled folding and provide samples for single molecule imaging. As an outlook I show how this approach may contribute to the current questions in structural biology.