Physik | Vortrag

SFB 767 Sonderseminar: Slip-stick motion of a Wigner crystal on liquid helium

Friday, 16. December 2016
10:00 - 11:30

P 602

SFB 767 / P. Leiderer

Prof. Dr. Kimitoshi Kono, RIKEN CEMS, Wako-shi, Japan

Slip-stick motion of a Wigner crystal on liquid helium

I present time-resolved transport measurements of a Wigner solid (WS) on the surface of liquid Helium confined in a micron-scale channel. At rest, the WS is `dressed' by a cloud of quantised capillary waves (ripplons). Under a driving force, we find that repeated WS-ripplon decoupling leads to stick-slip current oscillations, the frequency of which can be tuned by adjusting the temperature, pressing electric field, or electron density [1]. The WS on liquid He is a promising system for the study of polaron-like decoupling dynamics.

[1] David G. Rees, Niyaz R. Beysengulov, Juhn-Jong Lin, and Kimitoshi Kono, Stick-Slip Motion of the Wigner Solid on Liquid Helium, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 206801 (2016)